12 mars 2019 ~ 0 Commentaire

Dernière étape Eurocup series Colico (ITA) 2018


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October, the 19th: in most Europe temperatures are starting to fall, autumn is starting.

But here, on the Como lake, autumn seems to have not yet arrived: weather still gives us a week of summer time!

But there is not only a cobalt blue sky and a warm sun: even the thermal wind is active and gives us a present of a 12-20 knots southern wind (an afternoon wind, called “Breva” by the people who live on this beautiful lake).

Coming from four nations, twelve boats arrived here to take part in 2018 RS 500 Eurocup final stage.

There are boats from Slovakja and Czech Republic, one of the hugest fleet of RS 500 class! They are here also because they are training for the 2019 season, when they will organize the RS 500 Worlds Championship on one of the most beautiful lake of Europe: Lake Lipno, with a very special and top quality organization.

There is a boat from Russia, whose Helmsman (Ivanovski) got an excellent result (10th  in the overall ranking) at the RS Games in Weymouth. There is a boat from France, whose crew has friendly kept the promise of being in Colico to promote once more this international series.

And there are eight fierce Italian boats, (seven of them made with junior, but skilled, sailors), all of them coming from the northern Italy lakes, ready to fight on the friendly waters.

Three days of competition, eight races, light wind only during the first race (8 knots), then to grow progressively till the final race (25 knots).

Since the first race, the 2017 and 2018 Eurocup champions (M. Oppizzi and P. Frazzica) mark two first places, showing to everyone which is the crew to overcome.

But the fight, with the passing of regattas and days, becomes really fierce and a new boat emerges from the fleet of contenders to victory: so, after eight races and with three wins, three second places and two third places, Tommy Marchesi and Isaia Dal Rosso catch the victory.

Second place (and Eurocup 2018 Trophy) for Mike Oppizzi and Pietro Frazzica: Eurocup series winners for the second time!

Third place for Alessandro Ballio and Francesco Ferrara, who beat at the last race the first all female boat of Giulia Rossi and Adriana Campanella, already all girls 2018 world champions in Weymouth and at 2017 and 2018 RS 500 Eurocup.

At the fifth place, after a huge battle, there is the boat of Cecilia Rossi and Lorenzo Andreani: they complete a wonderful 1st-5th place of SSD PERSPORT COLICO. Unbelievable!

Emanuel/Andrevon catch the sixth place with a continuous improvement during all the days of the event. Bravo!

Congratulations to all the other crews, who gave life to a truly spectacular event, ended with a lot of wind and with four retires during the last race.

Off the lake, time for resting, repairing and…eating!

A beautiful barbecue and pasta party for all the sailors who made this event really unforgettable.

At the end of the third day: Prize giving ceremony, greetings and hugs! Thanks to Persport (and to Matteo) for the excellent organization.

See You to Lac Du Der, first stage of Eurocup 2019!!!

CIAO!  Mario Rossi

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