05 septembre 2018 ~ 0 Commentaire

Nouveaux Champions 2018 – Suite Mondial RS 500 Weymouth UK

We have new RS500 World and UK National Champions!



Pim & Lisa heading for the top


What a fabulous event!  Well done WPNSA – outstanding!  I hope you all had good journeys home.


Many thanks to all the lovely words and gifts, I really appreciate it – you are definitely my favourite fleet!


Congratulations to Pim & Lisa van Vugt (NED), who took the title of World Champions after a hard-won battle in challenging and varied conditions.   And to Steve & Sarah Cockerill for running up, and taking the UK National Champions title.


Giulia Rossi & Adriana Campanella, (ITA), in 22nd place overall, took the 1st Lady Team prize, Anneke Kikkert (NED, 18th overall) 1st lady helm, and Nico & Thomas Honor (FRA, 3rd) the 1st Family prize.   Russian team Vladislav Ivanovsky & Alexey Fareny (10th) and Americans Matthew & Rachel Goetting (12th) won the most travelled prizes, whilst the Endeavour Prize of a brand new spinnaker (sponsored by Hyde’s) was won by Florine & Enno de Haan (NED) in 39th place.


Final results, report to Day 4 (day 5 will arrive at same link once writers are home), and some photos are HERE.


I know you loved the Sportography photos; these will all be available to view and buy by the end of this week.  I will send a link as soon as it is available.  There will also be edited video available in the near future.


Looking ahead ….


The Dutch Nationals are very soon – 15/16 September at ever-popular Aquavitesse, Bruinesse.  Details HERE.


The final Eurocup Series event for 2018 is at Colico, Lake Como, Italy from 19-21 October.  Very beautiful location with great pasta! Just opposite the venue for 2017 Worlds. Details will be available HERE very soon, including NoR, details of charter boats. For this event, there is a 6-boat stacker available in The Netherlands (contact michiel@rssailing.com) and a 3-boat stacker and possibly a Volvo available from UK (contact heatherc@rs-association.com).


Then the 2019 World Championships, Lake Lipno, Czech Republic.  More information available soon, but please see the teaser HERE.


A plea for help about communication to the fleet -

Please would you ask your fellow RS500 sailors to share their e-mail addresses with us.  We are not asking them to become Association members, but we do need to know where everyone is …


Best regards, Heather



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